Social Safety
Regrettably, sometimes an undesirable experience takes place, in whatever way. On this page, we’ve made a list of persons you can contact, including an explanation of who to contact for what issue. If you don’t want to talk with any of these people or want help choosing the right person to contact, you can always ask a board member to talk about it with you. Obviously, this conversation will remain confidential.
Contact Information
Confidential advisers ACD:

Fay Heemskerk (active member), contact via
Janne van Asselt (board member), contact via
Mike Meulendijks (member), contact via
You can email them for any questions or reports regarding unwanted behaviour within the association, or for something else you wish to discuss on confidential terms.
Confidant undesirable behaviour UvA
Marly van den Boom
020 525 8465 (ma-do)
Stefania Grecea
020 525 7245
Martijn Rep
Anja Ruhland
020 525 8539
Lydia Sprenger
020 525 5612
You can contact one of the confidants if you have experienced an undesirable situation and want to talk with someone about it. An undesirable situation is different for everybody, so don’t hesitate to talk to one of them if you want to talk. Possible examples are:
- (sexual) Intimidation
- Bullying
- Agression
- Discrimination
- Stalking
- Group pressure
- Drugs/ alcohol-related incidents
- Undesirable behaviour
Confidant VU
Reach per mail at:
Dhr. drs. Jan Nieuwenhuis
De Boelelaan 1105, 0E-gang
1081 HV Amsterdam
T 020-5985048
Mw. drs. Mariken Blom
De Boelelaan 1105, 0E-gang
1081 HV Amsterdam
T 020-5985027
Study adviser of your study
I can happen that a situation has an impact on your study progress. This could be personal, family-related or something else. The study adviser can help you deal with these situation combined with your study. contact
UvA alarm number
020 525 2222
Is there a situation at the UvA which requires immediate attention? Then you can call the UvA helpline 020 525 2222. You can use this to reach security, first-aid workers or emergency responders.
VU alarm number
In case of an emergency, the security can be contacted on the internal VU alarm number 22222 or 020 5982222.
Student psychologists UvA
020 525 2599
Do you have problems studying, personal problems, ADHD or autism? The UvA’s psychologists can provide you with various types of support, such as groups, workshops, training sessions and consultations. A referral isn’t necessary and the talks are accessible.
Student psychologists VU
De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Hoofdgebouw, 0E-gang
The student psychological counsellors are employees of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, which means you don’t need health insurance or a referral from your GP to talk to them. All staff are bound by a strict code of confidentiality. They will never discuss the reasons for your consultation with anyone else without your permission.
More information can be found via VUnet, here you can also make an appointment.
Student doctor (Emergency)
020 525 2889
If you have a physical complaint or injury that isn’t life threatening, but does require immediate attention, you can go to the student doctor. As a UvA student you can visit Bureau Studentenartsen to get treated by doctors that have experience with student life. It’s recommended to register, mainly for non immediate complaints. You can do this via
Student doctor(Emergency outside office hours)
If you need medical assistance outside of office hours, you can call the number above.
Suicide prevention
0900 – 0113
Is there someone in your environment with suicidal thoughts, or are you dealing with them yourself? You can call 0900-0113. The suicide prevention people are there 24/7 to assist with immediate and non-immediate cases. Visit for more information.
Centrum sexual violence
The Centrum Seksueel Geweld is a place where victims of molestation or rape get the help they need: forensic, medical en psychological help. The Centrum Seksueel Geweld has a team of doctors, nurses, police and other aid workers that work together to provide specialised care to victims of molestation or rape.
If someone reaches out to you because they experienced sexually undesirable behavior, the CSG has some tips to help you conduct a good conversation:
Caring Universities
Student life can be tough. It’s not easy balancing school, your social life, work, exercise, and more. That’s why it’s extra important to be aware of how you’re doing and to take good care of yourself. Caring Universities offers several services, such as a questionnaire with which students can gain insight into their own mental wellbeing, and free online programmes to work on stress complaints or low mood (including free e-coaching!). You can find more information on their website:
Stichting Our Bodies Our Voice
Stichting Our Bodies Our Voice raises awareness for the stigma around survivors and sexual violence and sexual violence in general. They are there to give advice to organisations, instituions and universities and want to create a safer environment for this subject. There are workshops that can be booked on their website:
On their Facebook the events they organise, such as workshops about social safety, are published an can be seen in an overview:
De Advieswinkel
De advieswinkel offers up till five free, anonymous and non-binding talks with advanced psychology students. Everyone can go there without an appointment for a conversation and to make use of the substantive knowledge of our psychology volunteers. The trained psychology students clear up your problem together with you and come up with a pratical advice. You can go here for, among other things, worries or stress about your study, you relationship or other subjects.
On the following page you can find more information and make an appointment:
All Ears initiative
All Ears is an initiative for UvA students, by UvA’s psychology students. You can call All Ears whenever you want someone to listen to you. Maybe you need to complain about a struggle with a roommate, you have a fun story to tell, you had a weird dream or you have trouble planning your week. The volunteers are there for you, and they are literally All Ears!
You can contact them in the following ways: +31(0)20 808 85 38 / / @allearsamsterdam