ACD Whatsapp community

Below we have listed the links to the community & to make it easier, also to some group chats in the community, so you can directly join them. Can’t see links now? Then you need to log in or if you don’t have an account, become an ACD member!
WhatsApp Community: log in for this content.
Whatsapp has a feature called communities. In a community, there is an announcement channel as well as various groups. The ACD has its own community in which only members are allowed! In this community, you can decide for yourself which groups you want to participate in.
In the announcements channel, every two weeks a monthly summary is sent with all the upcoming activities the ACD is organizing in the next four weeks and sometimes other activities of interest to you, our members!
There are also two groups where all activities are promoted separately with a promotional text attached. One group is for bachelor members: the ACD Bachelor information chat and the other group is for master members: the ACD Master information chat.
Bachelor announcements: log in for this content.
Master announcements: log in for this content.
For the rest, there are fun and useful groups, such as an ACD memes chat or an ACD house hunters chat, in case you are looking for housing or offering housing in Amsterdam, and more! If you have a fun idea for a group chat in the community you can always let the board know.